Saturday 6 June 2015

Week 169 - Pompom Cat

Hello every human and cat.  It's Caturday and time to check a cat craft of this week.  What did my human friend M make this week?  She was doing something with yarn.  Knitting? Crocheting?  Let's have a look, shall we?

Pompom Cat

She made different size pompoms, sculpted and shaped them into head and body by scissors.

The right photo is pompoms before sculpted.

Then, put eyes and a nose to the head with glue.  The ears are also glued stray strands of yarn together to make a triangle shape and put pink felt on it by needle felting.  The whiskers are V shaped tiger tail wire inserted into pompom.

The nose and the tail are made by needle felting.

Attached head and body together, and tied ribbon to be finished.

Hello, pom girl!

Saturday 30 May 2015

Week 168 - Felt Cat Face Brooch

Hi humans and kitties.  How are you today?  It is the last weekend of May and the end of autumn.  It is getting colder.  I wanted to curl up in front of a heater this morning, but my human friend M took me to a vet.  Yes, it was an annual vaccination and health check time.  I hate it, but it is a necessary evil.  I don't have any health problem at this stage.  My teeth are clean.  The vet told me that I look younger for the age.

Now, let's check M's project of this week.

Felt Cat Face Brooch

M made a 3D cat face brooch by needle felting.

As she concentrated to make, she forgot to take a picture of making process.  When she noticed it, the cat face was almost done.  The right photo is just before inserting the right whiskers.

I checked it anyway.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Week 167 - Barrel Beads Bracelet

Hi everyone.  Are you enjoying your weekend?  It was frosty this morning here in Christchurch.  Hard to get up such a chilly morning.  I stayed on my human friend M's bed a little bit longer.  Frosty morning means a sunshine day ahead.  And it was wonderful blue sky above.

I enjoyed this beautiful autumn day and, of course, I didn't forget my work.

This week, M made a unique bracelet.

Barrel Beads Bracelet

It is used 4 cat glass barrel beads, smokey pink clear beads and black suede round beads.

All beads put through two clear elastics to make it durable.

I like these suede beads.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Week 166 - Fake Leather Cat Coasters

Hello people and kitty cats.  It's exciting Caturday, to check brand new cat craft.  Drizzling here in Christchurch and looks like a typical winter day, although it hasn't been winter yet.  Anyway, I enjoyed snuggling in front of a heater and checking my human friend M's work.

This week M made two coasters using black and brown fake leather.

Fake Leather Cat Coasters

She attached felt as interfacing so that they get firm structure.

Changing the colour of the stitch puts an interesting effect.

Okay, let's have a check.

See you next week.

Saturday 9 May 2015

Week 165 - Cat Arm Pouch

Hello everyone.  How are you today?  It is calm and warm here in Christchurch.  I watched autumn leaves falling down outside, while my human friend M crocheting something.

Here is the project of this week.

Cat Arm Pouch

M made an arm pouch to be used when you go jogging.  It keeps a key, coins and small thing securely, when your running wear doesn't have a pocket.

She crocheted a body part and held at the bottom to make a pouch, then attached a face part.

The photo right is a view from back.

Once she made the face with stitches and felt cheek, and attached the tail, she sewed it on the neoprene tube.

Just small thing can be hold.

M tried it on.
I checked the detail.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Week 164 - Round Cat Cushion

Hello humans and kitties.  How are you spending the first weekend in May?  As it was sunny today, I enjoyed warm autumn sunshine at the windowsill.  My human friend M was sewing something with a sewing machine.  What did she make?  Let's have a look.

Round Cat Cushion

This week, M made a cute cushion with a cat applique and pompom trim.

The applique part is cotton with interfacing on the back.

Pink ribbon is cute, isn't it?

M made a cut out cat cushion before.  The white cushion next the round cat cushion is the one.

I checked it the ribbon part.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Week 163 - Trio the Cat Necklace

Hi cat people, craft lovers and wise cats.  It is Caturday, and Anzac day in New Zealand.  Much quieter than usual Saturday.  Lovely weather here.  So I enjoyed a nap and had early dinner.  When I finish this blogging, I am going to take a snooze.  Purrfect life!

This week, my human friend M made a stylish and unique necklace using polymer clay.

Trio the Cat Necklace

First, she made a cat pattern on paper.  

Kneaded three colours of polymer clay, and roughly cut out the cat shape with the pattern.  

Then made the detail and smooth surface.  Made a hole to be connect.

Baked them in the oven to be harden.

Once the clay cats were cool, attached Q pins to connect together. 

Connect silver chains with clasps. 

I am checking anyway.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Week 162 - Lucky Cat Noren Curtain

Hello cat people and cats.  I hope all you are enjoying relaxing Saturday aka Caturday.  I munched cat grass this morning and took a short nap, then exercised with a catnip ball.  Now I am ready to check this week's project.

Let's have a look, shall we?

Lucky Cat Noren Curtain

This week, my human friend M made a Japanese style door curtain which is called 'Noren'.

She bought this fabric in Japan a few years ago without any plan or idea.

Some of Japanese traditional good luck characters - Maneki Neko (Good luck cat), Fukusuke (Good luck boy), Tai fish (Snapper, associated with celebration ), gold coins and magic hummers - are printed.

She sewed inside out first just like bag sewing, attached tabs on top and stitched from right side.

To finish, she decorated the slit with a velvet ribbon and a good luck cat jingle bell.

Oh, it's too large to check.

Anyway, I checked this.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Week 161 - Kitty Curtain Tie

Hello humans and kitties.  What are you up to?  It is cloudy today here in Christchurch.  Dark and a little bit cold - typical autumn day.  I feel slightly depressed without sunshine.  When I am depressed or frustrated, I use a scratching post.  It is a good stress relief.  I recommend it to you, stressed humans.

Well, this week's project, right?  My human friend M made a curtain tie.  She was going to make a pair of ties.  As she found the cotton tape is not enough to make two ties, she just made one.  Oh dear!  Human!

Kitty Curtain Tie

I joined this project at the stage of choosing the fabric.  Unfortunately, M chose a different fabric which I was not interested in.

The white felt cat part works as a kind of button, to tie with an elastic loop.

I'm checking the cat part.

I still think the flower print would be better.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Week 160 - Happy Easter Meow Card

Hi plain humans and beautiful cats.  How are you enjoying Easter weekend?  My human friend M and I are not doing anything special.  M caught a cold and seemed to be sick this week although she managed to work somehow.  And Easter is a festival for bunnies and chicks, not for cats.

Anyway, M made a cute card for Easter.

Happy Easter Meow Card

Wait a minute.  This is a normal Easter card.  Not a cat craft project, is it?

What?  M told me that I should open it.  Okay, I will open the card.

Oh, it is me?  In bunny costume?

M made an egg part with felt covered with polka dot cotton, decorated by gold ric rac and bakers twine.

Inside, she drew a cat and 'Meow!' first, then glued fabric and cut-out bunny felt.

I checked outside.
And inside.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Week 159 - Felted Kitten, Mi-ke

Hello everyone.  It's Caturday, aka Saturday.  Wonderful time for featuring cat craft projects.

Before show you this week's project, let me groom myself.

This week my human friend M made a cute kitten with needle felting.

Felted Kitten, Mi-ke

Mi-ke [pronounce as Me-Ke] means Torti cat in Japanese.  I can see four colours in her fur, though.

What?  Okay...  M told me that grey and black suppose to be counted as one colour.   Whatever.

M made the body and the head roughly, then added the details.

This is the third kitten that M made.  The first one is Daisy(mini-me), the second one is Blacky and Mi-ke is the third.

Oh, I remember my kittenhood.  I was so cute...

I'm checking her smell.