Saturday 27 July 2013

Week 76 - Cute Cat Burglar Key Holder

Hi everyone.  It is time for this week's cat craft.  Today, M made a felting cat key holder.  She hasn't touched felting stuff for a while.  And she hasn't made a key holder in 75 projects yet.  Here is this week's project.
Cute Cat Burglar Key Holder

1. Make a snowman shape.

2. Give your cat a coat of your favorite pattern.  Make and put a tail and ears on it.

3. Attach a key chain, then make cat's face and let him carry a back pack

What do you have in a back pack?

Saturday 20 July 2013

Week 75 - White Cat Headband

Hi everybody.  I hope you are having a good weekend.  It is chilly in New Zealand.  I have to keep myself warm with being curled up on M's lap.  She seems to be annoyed, but I don't mind.

This week, M made a cute headband.  A white cat with a red ribbon reminds me of a Japanese famous cat, Hello Kitty.  I don't know whether M is interested in a costume play or not...  What?  No?  She said "No".  She said she is not interested in a costume play, but enjoyed to make this.
White Cat Headband
She used mainly white fake fur and black elastic.  A red ribbon is made with felt fabric.  You can make it within a couple of hour.
I am checking the quality.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Week 74 - Cat stamped Drawstring Bag

Hello.  I am Daisy, the cat featuring cat crafts every week.  How is your weekend going?  My human friend M was sewing something using a sewing machine while I was taking a nap.  It was noisy, but I didn't mind.  Actually, I like the sound of sewing machine.  Far better than vacuum cleaner.

This week, M made a drawstring bag.  It must be useful especially when you travel.  However, M doesn't have any plan to travel at this stage.
Cat stamped Drawstring Bag
It is made with calico, gingham decorated by cat stamps.
Stamped cats and an original tag
Let's start to check.

Yes, the quality is being checked by Daisy.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Week 73 - Animal Friendly Tiger Rug

Hi every humans and kitties.  How are you enjoying your weekend?  I curled up in the sunshine this afternoon.  It was warm and calm.  I cannot believe that the last night's gale was so strong.  I was so scared that I almost forgot to have a snack at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Anyway, this week's project is...Tiger Rug.  Of course it is fake.  That's why "animal friendly".  M bought tiger fake fur last week and used it for this project.
Animal Friendly Tiger Rug
It can be used a throw as well as a rug.   The head is detachable by Velcro.

Detachable head

I am checking from the top.

My tabby pattern is more gorgeous, isn't it?