Saturday 29 June 2019

Week 323 - Catnip Ball

Hi humans and creative cats.  How are you all?  I am very fine but my human friend M caught a cold.  Poor human!  Anyway, she has done this week's project.

Catnip Ball

This is a quite easy project.  First cut out fabric circle.  M used a 14 diameter dish to make a circle.

Then make a straight stitch about 5 mm inside from the edge.  Put Polyester stuffing and dried catnip and pull the string tightly to make a ball.  M attached a feather to decorate it.

I'm checking.

Saturday 22 June 2019

Week 322 - Imitation Cat Pearl Earrings

Hello humans and generous kitties.  How are you all?  It is getting colder these days, but I can still enjoy napping in the sunshine.  Yesterday was the shortest day.  I am excited that the day time is getting longer from now on.

This week,my human friend M made gorgeous earrings by polymer clay.

Imitation Cat Pearl Earrings

A pearl size white polymer clay is shaped like cat head.  After it is harden by baking, M painted it with acrylic paint.  M used the metallic champagne colour.

I'm checking.

Oh, it's too small.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Week 321 - Plug Plate Decoration Puss

Hi human and affectionate kitties.  How are you all?  It is raining here in Christchurch.  I am a bit bored.  I would like to enjoy walking on my garden but my human friend M doesn't allow me to do so.  She told me that it is not good to walk on wet ground and I agreed.

This week M made a decoration for plug plate cover with shrink plastic.

Plug Plate Decoration Puss

This shrink plastic is glow in the dark.  She drew a black cat and let the eyes grow in the dark.

It shrinks about one fourth of original size.

Are you ready?


Saturday 8 June 2019

Week 320 - Mini Duster

Hi humans and wonder kitties.  How have you been?  Sorry for a few weeks absent as my human friend M went to Japan.  I was in a cat hotel and bored without a human company.

This week, M made a pretty easy staff.

Mini Duster

M bought a pack of wooden stirrers which is cute paw shape.  She wanted to use this stirrer for a cat project.

Tied acrylic yarns on the end and glued to be secure.  It's ready to use.

Are you ready?

Let's check.