Saturday 28 September 2019

Week 334 - Antique Silver Cat Bookmark

Hi humans and extraordinary kitties, how's your Caturday going?  In New Zealand where I live in, it is starting daylight saving time tomorrow.  I am a bit annoyed that I have to adjust my stomach clock as well, otherwise my human friend M would be upset to prepare my meal.

This week M made a gorgeous bookmark.

Antique Silver Cat Bookmark

This is super easy project that it only requires to connect the parts.


Saturday 21 September 2019

Week 333 - All Black Pom Pom Collar

Hello humans and affectionate kitties, how's your Caturday going?  Rugby World Cup has started and Kiwi humans seem to be very excited.  I know chasing a ball is fun, but I prefer a laser dot.

This week, my human friend M made a black pom pom collar.

All Black Pom Pom Collar

M made a pom pom collar a couple weeks ago.  The pom pom is slightly bigger than before.  It is about 2 cm diameter.  She attached a tiny rugby ball charm.

Go All Blacks, go!  Yes, I admit I am a Kiwi kitty.

I tried it on.

Can you see it better?

Saturday 14 September 2019

Week 332 - Glass Cabochon Brooch with Hanging Cat

Hi humans and adorable kitties, how are you all?  It has been raining whole day and I miss spring sun.  Even inside the house is warm, I think nothing better than napping in sunshine.

This week's project is a glass cabochon brooch with hanging cat charm.

Glass Cabochon Brooch with Hanging Cat

My human friend M chose the easier project.  The cabochon is attached with UV resin.

On the back, a brooch pin is glued.

I'm checking.

Saturday 7 September 2019

Week 331 - Easy Denim Barrette

Hello humans and curious cats.  How's your Caturday going?  It was strange weather this morning.  I saw sunshine, so I asked my human friend M to let me out.  M was happy to do it and I jumped out to my garden.  Then I felt cold rain on my back.  It was raining.  I dashed into my house.  M giggled.  She knew it was raining and I don't like rain.  Humans are evil.

This week evil human made a barrette, aka hair clip.

Easy Denim Barrette

This is pretty easy project.  You don't need to sew.  Just cut denim, cardboard and ribbon and glued on a hair clip.

I'm checking.

From different angle.

It is enough.