Saturday 29 April 2017

Week 235 - Recycled Knit Kitty

Hello humans and cute kitties.  How's your weekend going?  Here we had a warm sunshine day - cat favourite weather.  I slept and had enough naps.  Feel good.  I am going to have another nap after this blogging.

This week, my human friend M made a cute kitty doll with recycling old jumper.

Knit Kitty

She cut out each part from old jumper.

In the tail, there is a pipe cleaner so that it can be stayed bend.

The bottom of the body, she put a plastic jar lid to sit well.

Pink nose is felt fabric.

Are you tired?

Nice to meet you.

Saturday 22 April 2017

Week 234 - Scratching Felt Kitten

Hello people and noble kitties.  How are you today?  It was beautiful weather here in Christchurch.  I did nap and nap.  I was so hungry after having a long nap.  I ate a can of Fancy Feast and felt still not enough.  Autumn makes my appetite big.

Now, it time for cat craft project.  This week, my human friend M made a cute ginger kitten by needle felting.

Scratching Felt Kitten

First, she made an armature, and put some felt to make the cat shape.  Then, added the details.

Who is this?

I'm checking his bottom.

Saturday 15 April 2017

Week 233 - Decoupage Cat Plate

Hi humans and mysterious cats, how are you today?  It is Easter weekend but it is normal two days off for poor my human friend M.  For me, Easter is a festival for bunnies and chicks, not for cats.  But any public holidays are welcome.

This week, M tried decoupage at first time.

Decoupage Cat Plate

On the back

M used cat shape wood cut.  She chose flower print paper to decorate.  On the back, she write the message with puffy paint.

I'm checking the decoupage.

And the message.

Saturday 8 April 2017

Week 232 - UV Resin Tabby Cat Charm

Hi humans and respective kitties.  How is your weekend going?  Daylight saving time has finished last weekend in New Zealand and I feel autumn in the air.  This week has been wet and cold, but at last I could enjoy sunshine today.

Today, my human friend M used the sunshine and made a cute charm.

UV Resin Tabby Cat Charm

She got a cat shape mould and coloured resin.  She poured resin carefully to make a tabby pattern.

Then she put it in the sunshine so that the resin is harden by UV ray.

She said it was fun to make with using UV resin.

She attached the charm to a necklace cord.

I am checking.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Week 231 - Cat Shape Comfy Cushion

Hello people and charming kitties.  Today, I made a cushion in stead of my human friend M.  Cats can do sewing.  Why not?

Na, it is April Fool.  I only be able to make pilling and a fur ball.

This cushion was made with different material on each side - border and velvet.

Inside is polyester filling.  Good for napping.

You may see cotton code whiskers on the photo.

The photo below is 4 of cushions M made in the past.  Actually, she made more than four.

What this?

I am checking.