Saturday 18 November 2017

Week 261 - Cat Face Resin Brooch

Hi humans and hard working kitties.  How are you all?  I don't feel so good as my hairball annoys me.  I munched cat grass, of course.  It helps me a little.  Don't worry, I am okay.  I must admit I am getting older.

This week, my human friend M made a cute brooch.

Cat Face Resin Brooch

She used UV resin.  As brown and amber resins are transparent, she put white resin first and after it was harden, she applied brown and amber to make tabby pattern. 

Then put green cats eye cabochons for eyes and daisy connectors for cheek. 

Again she poured translucent resin to cover the surface.

Brooch pin is attached.

Is this to be checked?

No, it isn't eatable.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Week 260 - Decorative Cat Tags

Hello people and glamour kitties.  How are you?  I mourned for the NZ first cat Paddles who was killed on road last Tuesday.  He was still young and the hope for NZ kitty society.  R.I.P. Paddles.

This week, my human friend M made some cat tags to decorate her original craft work.

Decorative Cat Tags

She designed and painted on cotton tape.  She is planning to use them to her craft work.

I am checking the detail.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Week 259 - Bow Collar and Hair Tie

Hi people and sweet kitties.  It's already November.  I am a bit annoyed of Guy Fawkes Day coming.  I like a quiet and cozy place to sleep.  Don't disturb me with noisy fireworks when I am sleeping.  This is an every cat's wish.  I insist animals should get a right to live peacefully.

This week, my human friend M made me a gorgeous collar.

Bow Collar and Hair Tie

M made a collar for me and a hair tie for herself.

These colours match my fur.

Can you see?