Saturday 29 March 2014

Week 111 - Leopard Hand Cleaners

Hi humans and kitties.  Do you enjoy a lazy weekend?  Me?  I got up early this morning.  For what?  Of course for preparing this blog.  I am excited to check a M's work every Saturday.

Let's have a look at this week's project.

Leopard Hand Cleaners
M made small cleaners for wiping screen of computers or mobile phones.  It is made with acrylic wool.  Normal wool cannot be a cleaner, but acrylic wool can be.  And it is much easier to make a shape with needle felting.

She made a leopard and snow leopard pattern on it.  A paw print on the other side.  It becomes so cute that she attached a chain and charm for mobility.

I enjoyed checking.
See you next week.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Week 110 - Purrfect Card

Hello cat and craft lovers.  I hope you are enjoying a lazy weekend.  Today is a purrfect day for napping in Christchurch.  Warm and lots of sunshine.  I can say this is a catisfactory day.

Anyway, I should start to show you M's work.  This week M tried a paper craft.  Long time ago, she made a Royal Kitty Ballet invitation card.  Since then she hasn't touched paper crafts.  Here's this week's work.

Purrfect Card

First she made embellishments using a shrink plastic sheet.

Then, she drew pictures with embossing pen.  After heating them and made the puffy outline, painted with markers and water colours.

Cut out three windows on a pale blue paper and stamped cats and flowers image.  Window frame is puffy paint which puff up when a heat is given.

Attached pictures and words which printed out using computer and printer.

Put a polka dot ribbon and attached the embellishment.

I am checking the detail.

Inside the card

Saturday 15 March 2014

Week 109 - Friend Cats Felt Hat

Hello humans and kitties.  Welcome to Everyweek Cat Craft Project.  I, Daisy is working hard in this week as usual.  This week my human friend M tried wet felting again.  Remember, she made a pouch with wet felting a few weeks ago.  This time she made a hat as she had wanted to make for a long time.
Let's have a look.

Oh-oh.  This is NOT a cat project.  It is a plain felt hat...

Ha?  What?

I chose the wrong angle picture.  Sorry.

Here is the correct picture to show you.

Friend Cats Felt Hat

The cats parts are roughly made with needle felting before attached on wet felting.

Considering the shrinkage, the pattern should be bigger enough.  M made it approx 46 cm x 27 cm

Soy the cat, a special hat model on this blog, tried on it.

Hello.  I am Soy the cat.

This hat colour is matching to my eyes.

I am checking.
Let's check.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Week 108 - LOVE CATS Bunting

Hello humans and kitties.  I hope all you are enjoying a lazy weekend.  There was a storm followed by a flood in Christchurch in this week.  It didn't effect on me but I hope all stray cats are safe in the dried cozy place.

This week my human friend M was hand-stitching something.  Let's have a look.

She used felt and polka dot cotton fabric.  And sewed together with blanket stitches.  To cut out CATS letters are the only difficult part in this project.  Apart from that it is for a beginner work.

I am checking the stitches.

Saturday 1 March 2014

Week 107 - Kitty Doughnut Key Rings

Hi everyone.  It's the first day of March.  Autumn has arrived on calender and it is autumn weather.  I feel the autumn air in the wind.  My human friend, M took an extra blanket last night as it was cold.  I curled up next to M on the bed to take extra warmth.  Humans are natural heater.

This week, M made cat shape doughnuts from polymer clay and made them as a key holder.
Cat Doughnut Key Holders

Looks like yummy, but it is clay...ugh.  M made four different types of doughnut.  Chocolate and pink icing doughnuts.

She attached a key ring with a swivel clasp accompanied with a cat charm and ribbon.

Hundred-thousand on pink icing

Chocolate French Cruller

I am checking the chocolate one.