Saturday 26 July 2014

Week 125 - Sleeve Extensions

Hello humans and gorgeous kitties.  It is so cold these days that I hardly get up early in the morning.  Good news is only 5 weeks to go to be Spring.  I cannot wait snoozing on the warm windowsill with floral winds.  Anyway, I have a work every week to check my human friend M's crafting work.

This week M made sleeve extensions.  Let's have a look, shall we?

Sleeve Extensions

When you feel a little bit cold, but not so chilly to put gloves on, they are handy to use.  M recycled T-shirts sleeves.

She made covered buttons with the same fabric.

These extensions can be used either way.  Cat tape can come as cuffs.  M tried to put on the other way.

I am checking the covered button.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Week 124 - Lacy Cat Barrette

Hi people and wonderful cats.  How are you today?  It is very chilly here in Christchurch, NZ.  I tried to snuggle up on M's lap, but she didn't sit still.  I was annoyed.  M seemed to be also annoyed byme curling up on her as soon as she took a seat.

This week, M was doing something with a shrink plastic sheet.  She couldn't get a satisfied result and changed her project to much easier one.  Let's have a look.

Lacy Cat Barrette

She has a plain barrette.  It can be okay to use, but a little bit boring.  So she decided to change it as a cat barrette.

She sew a cat charm on a lacy motif and glued it on the barrette.  Also glued some rhinestones to decorate.

I'm checking from the low angle.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Week 123 - Cat Panel Wine Bag

Hi cat lovers, craft fans, and lovely cats.  It is damp and chilly these days in Christchurch, NZ.  How about your country?  I have several favourite places to take a nap.  And the place I choose when it is cold is on M's lap.  Humans are natural heater.  I am eco-friendly.  Go green.

This week, my human friend M made a bag for carrying a bottle of wine.

Cat Panel Wine Bag

She chose the calico fabric for the body, and sewed cat print cotton as a panel.

I heard that there is wine for cats available in Japan.  It contains no alcohol.  Those who want to drink with their cat buy it.  However, most cats don't drink it.  Nice try, human.

I'm checking the stitches.

See you next week!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Week 122 - Nine Lives Mug

Hello cat lovers and cats.  It's July and very chilly here in New Zealand.  How's your country?  Hot?  People seem to be excited watching World Cup.  I am only excited to watch my bowl is full of food.  Not ball or cup.

This week, my friend M painted a mug, not bowl or cup.
Nine Lives Mug
  She painted kitty ballet on a mug and a plate in January.  Do you remember?  This time she painted nine cats on a mug.  The special paint needs to be oven-baked to stay.  After stayed the colour, it is washable and can be used as a normal mug.

Let's look from the other angle.


This couple shape heart by their tails.

This cat has a long and large tail which becomes a handle of the mug.

I'm checking from the top.
Checking from the side.
See you next week.